Sunday, February 18, 2007


While I was perusing the Sunday paper, and no it wasn't the comics section, two articles struck my fancy. As diverse as the articles were, they both had a common theme. One was that Fox news was starting up a business channel, so as to present the corporations point of view, since they felt CNBC was biased and represented corporations and their heads in a bad light.
As for the second, a Boston university economics professor had a differing view of an article printed in the New York Times regarding retirement savings.
They both have the same agenda. Fox news in promoting their republican view of big business, and the professor improving sales on his software program.
Of late there seems no one to trust. Pundits, how can their views be trusted, since they are publishing one book after another and their statements increase book sales.
Professors and researchers selling out to corporations for their dollars, and basing their ideas and research to coincide with the highest bidders wants.
Newspapers and TV being biased toward one political party or the other, instead of remaining neutral and giving us an unbiased viewpoint.
My advice is to buy a a good pair of rubber boots with non-skid soles in case you step in all the bullshit flung around of late, as it is hard to avoid it.


JoeC said...

Maybe not coincidentally, I found out this weekend that rubber boots were actually an in-style accessory this year. Amazing, no?

Fashion rubber boots:

Pelmo said...

I was actually floored by the coincidence.
I think those fly fisherman are a step ahead of us with those hip waders.