Monday, February 5, 2007


It was refreshing to read a story in today's Sun Times of a man who had an airplane ticket, ticket for the game and a place to stay, and decided to stay and assist in the delivery of his baby on Sunday. More astounding was his comment. "This is more important than any game". For the past few weeks we were force fed with the comments of idiots who considered this a life changing event and the greatest moment of their lives.
Who would you rather have as a father one that considered your birth as an event to cherish or one that had labor induced so he wouldn't miss the game. You will have to learn early to plan important events in your life, so that they won't interfere with a big game, if you chose the latter.


JoeC said...

Glad to see some people, like the guy who gave up his tickets, still put things in fairly normal perspective.

P.S. Late in the third quarter, I think I saw you in the stands on TV. Hahhaha (kidding).

Pelmo said...

If you ever do, you can print up the sign "THE END IS NEAR" and start carrying it. For then all hope would be gone.