Wednesday, February 21, 2007


What ever happened to courtesy and politeness. The old fashion way of thinking, that what goes around , comes around. If you do something nice for someone, they in turn will do something for someone else and eventually someone will do it to you.
Now it's only what can people do for me? I'm the only one that counts. There is no more thank you or I appreciate it. Instead it's, that's all, I taught there would be more?
With a simple phrase, "of what can I do for you"? Maybe we can eradicate this plague, that is sweeping this country.


La Sirena said...

I agree -- you have to have manners in order to have a civilization that doesn't eat itself. And by manners, I'm not talking about choosing the correct fork, but common courtesy and politeness as you say.

Please, people.
Thank you.

Pelmo said...

I couldn't have put it better myself.