Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Last year as we were returning from the farm, during a snowfall, we passed two troopers sitting side by side talking on a turnaround. Less then a half mile away a car was in a ditch, having driven off the road. My wife asked, why were they there, instead of assisting the motorist in distress?
I told her they were probably laughing, before they had to look serious and assist the fool.
Yesterday, I laughed a lot as I passed numerous vehicles while driving through a snowstorm, parked in the ditches to the sides of the highway.
I couldn't believe the morons who passed me in nearly white out conditions, doing their normal 75 or 80 mph, driving as if it were a summer day.
It's not the snow belt that has exclusive rights to this form of stupidity. How many times have we seen those multiple pile ups during fog, smoke or dust storms.
When those involved are questioned at the scene, they always seem to give the morons standard answer. I couldn't stop in time. A clue, if you were going a bit slower for conditions, may be you could have.


Jane said...

Now you do sound like a crabby ex-policeman who does not understand the joys of loss of control.

Pelmo said...

The reason I'm crabby, is having to stifle my laughter, when I had to listen to the tales of woe from the morons who blamed everything and everyone for their stupidity.