Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Monday's so called news-paper the Sun -Times, had over a twenty page special on the Bears. Local and world news as well as the editorial page covered twenty nine pages, of which fifteen were full pages ads. Another sixteen pages devoted to other sports. The war, global warming, high energy prices and companies cutting thousands of jobs, clearly takes a back seat to sports coverage.
Of the three possible democratic candidates, all that we have heard so far is that one is a woman who is a former presidents wife, another is black and an eloquent speaker, and the third is Hispanic. Nothing about their agendas or political stances on important issues. All we here from all the political pundits, how historical it would be if one of them was elected, and nothing about if any of them are qualified.
They are politicians, not rock or movie stars, so don't ask powder puff questions that have no relevance.
There are people who care, ask them about the economy, the loss of millions of jobs to cheap overseas markets, our failing infrastructure,and much more. And don't take, we are going to look into it, as an answer, find out what their solutions are to the problems plaguing this country. If they dance around, keep plugging away until there is a satisfactory answer.
This country wouldn't be in this mess, if we covered the news as we do sports.

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