Tuesday, March 6, 2007


The toll roads are being sold off to private enterprise, and now there is talk of selling the lottery, to cover the huge deficits in state budgets. Think of the next thief that gets elected to office, what will he sell off, to stuff his and his cronies pockets.
The excuse now is that there is a short fall in the pension funds. Keep the double and triple dippers out and maybe there wouldn't be a deficit. Tighten the rules so that pensions for your favorites don't double with a stroke of a pen.
Before only a few people tapped the till for loose change to grease the wheels that made politics work. Everyone was happy and the taxes were low.
Now the new breed with their entourage of lackeys aren't happy with a dollar here and there. It's let's see how much more we can squeeze out of these saps today.
There is no looking toward tomorrow, lets see how much we can steal today.


JoeC said...

It'd be different if things were getting privatized and working better. But when privatizing DOESN'T work, as we've been seeing with such things like the results of privatizing Walter Reed Hospital, then we clearly need to step away from the privatization cliff before private friends of the administration screw up every last bit of the nation's infrastructure.

Pelmo said...

In the case of toll roads and lottery they are being sold for a one time price with no future benefits.
As for privitization failure at Reed Hospital, caught it just once on the news, it was a guy conected with Haliburton, and he has had several failures in the past and they still hired him.
Here in Chicago janitorial and towing services are provided by private contractors and work fine.
As long as incompetent friends and relatives aren't hired it works great.