Saturday, March 3, 2007


Jurys and sports fans, here is a news flash. That Deep Pockets corporation happens to be you. Whenever you award someone a huge amount in a civil suit, or want your favorite player to get an exorbitant amount in salary, it's you that is footing the bill and not them.
A prime example is the new contract the Bear's head coach just signed this week. Just a few days later higher ticket prices were posted for the upcoming season. And I can guarantee higher concession prices. So who is paying that high salary? Not the corporation, that's for sure.
When insurance companies make huge pay outs, the rates immediately rise, and who ends up paying? They are great at passing the buck on to someone else.
The sports fan, will start spouting off, I don't go to ball games, I just watch them on TV, so it doesn't affect me. All those advertisement raise the prices on all the products you purchase, you moron. One way or another you pay and get poorer, while they collect and get richer.

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