Sunday, March 11, 2007


If the following steps were followed, the solution to this and any other war would quickly be found.
All the children of the president, the cabinet, and all in congress would immediately be pressed into the service branches upon declaration of war. Also the children of anyone profiting from the war, such as large corporations like Haliburton and subsidiaries.

For the duration of the war all government officials must live on a military base, in barracks and dine only on fine military cuisine, and have to survive on military pay. No limousines or chauffeurs. Drive what our soldiers drive. No Armani or Ralph Lauren, just plain military fatigues and combat boots.

The families would also have to cut back and have to manage to keep their heads above water on sub standard military pay. Children may not attend private schools, rather the schools military family kids attend.

By taking these drastic measures, we would get to see government at work. No committee hearings, no drafting of resolutions, no prancing around in front of the news cameras. Just plain results and quick ones at that.


JoeC said...

Nice idea...Heck, I'd even bet if there was a law that congress, Bush, Cheney and company, couldn't sign autographs until the war was resolved, that would even bring a quicker end to the conflict.

Pelmo said...

Did you ever think that maybe all these controversies they create, they do it so that they could be in the limelight all the time.

JoeC said...

They sure like "speeching" for the camera, that's for sure.