Monday, March 5, 2007


Why are we allowing ourselves to be led by the nose and told by others on what we should like and dislike.
Everything is becoming homogeneous. Back in the 40's, 50's and 60's you could tell the year and make of an auto, and now except for a few models every car looks alike and forget about telling what year it is.
Stores, restaurants and hotels and motels were unique structures. It was a pleasant experience to enter these establishments. Never knowing what to expect. Now no matter where you go in this country, and enter one, the same drabness engulfs you as you can find what you are looking for blindfolded. The same menus and isles of goods laid out the same whether in New York or California.
Amusement parks with there diversified entertainment such as Riverview and Santas Village with picnic areas where families brought their own food and enjoyed a picnic atmosphere have been replaced by Six Flags and there blandness.
Every where one turns food courts have overtaken our malls, airports and public attractions. Luckily they are still in there original shapes, such as pizza, hot dogs and burgers, or we would not know what we were consuming, do to there lack of taste.
Glitz and glitter have replaced workmanship and quality. Uniqueness with blandness. And forget about originality, just play follow the leader.
It used to be that we built homes and took pride in the landscaping as we planted flowers and shrubs to beautify them. Now the contractors and landscapers give us the cookie press sameness.
A word or a phrase is introduced, and we are forced to endure it as the simple minded bombard us with it constantly.
This phenomanom has not escaped our entertainment industry. Where once athletes, performers and newscasters were judged by their accomplishments, now they are being held in esteem for their outrages antics. The more idiotic, the more airtime.
These are just a few for the list is endless and sorry to say growing.

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