Monday, October 22, 2007


When will all this insanity stop or at least slow down? I am speaking of school authorities and their "Zero Tolerance". With each passing day you think that the pinnacle has been reached, only to find out that they are getting more outlandish. It seems common sense has been cast aside, to be replaced by sheer stupidity.

A student innocently packs a pairing knife with her lunch, to cut up items she was to consume at lunch. You would think she had a machete and was threatening the entire student body, as she is suspended from school.

Another passes an aspirin to a friend who is feeling ill. A dent in the drug war is made as she is treated as the head of a drug cartel and suspended.

Then on today's news a boy of about ten gets suspended for a crude drawing of someone holding a squirt gun. No signs of violence or dead bodies. Just a picture, drawn by school boys for ages.

Another story quickly followed the previous one. This one I could understand why they were suspended. It was a group of kindergarten kids who were playing Cops and Robbers. They made a serious mistake by choosing to use "Weapons of Mass Destruction". The weapons they chose to use were their FINGERS. Luckily no one was injured or killed from this hail of imaginary bullets flying around the playground. And many people wonder why the trend toward home schooling.

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