Wednesday, October 3, 2007


I was watching CNBC when I caught a bit of a short commercial. It had to be about fifteen seconds or less.

I looked up when I heard a man say "your right, I DON'T need it". In bold letters on the screen it read "FEED THE PIG". The only word I could make out, was that it was presented by an organization with savings in its title; since it flashed so briefly on the screen. And the commercial was over.

What are the odds that this commercial will be repeated over and over again on main stream TV; until the morons who, I have to have it, no matter the cost, will have it ingrained in their minds, a penny saved, is a penny earned?

I suspect the odds are pretty high against it; since the idiots will look at each other and say "I don't get it. I can't blame them for their stupidity. A year or two ago, I went searching for some piggy banks for the grand kids. I went from the smallest to the largest stores in my quest. It was unbelievable the quizzical looks I received, when asking if they had any in stock.

The savings banks of the past have been relegated to the antique stores, as the credit card has now taken the spotlight.

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