Wednesday, October 31, 2007


According to an MSNBC poll, on who won the Democratic debates, the results as of this morning were Obama 30%, Clinton 20% and Biden 18%.

I will be busy this morning printing up deeds for bridges, as well as swamp land that I will have no problem selling. I have such as vast list of idiots to choose from, seeing the results of the poll.

The two leaders of this poll should have been partners on Dancing With The Stars, since they would have won hands down; as they danced around at every question posed to them. After listening to those two, I for one wouldn't buy a used car from either one, much less vote for them to be president.

So to those who voted for these two, please call 1-800-111-1111. Operators are standing by, you wouldn't want to miss out on the prime lots or bridges. There are so many of you, they will be going fast.

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