Friday, April 6, 2007


Are people's lives so shallow these days, that they are rushing to make anyone and everyone a celebrity? The latest craze seems to be Sonjaya of American Idol. The airways are filled with how a no talent has garnered the idiots attention. The great Roman Empire fell as people built and adorned temples with various false Gods. Today we are doing the same thing as we place people on pedestals; not for what they have accomplished, but rather the outrageous acts they commit.
It wouldn't be so bad, except so many rush to emulate these morons, thinking that there lives have vastly improved as they dress and act as these so called celebrities.
Talent and normal behavior are dismissed as something odd and unnatural. Loud and boorish behavior are considered a normal trait for advancement, as witnessed by our newscasters who try and out do each other with their antics.
When we stop clamering for more and start to ignore these idiots, maybe the pendelum will swing back toward normalacy and we will once more act like mature adults and lead normal lives.

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