Sunday, December 9, 2007


I know there is going to be an election in November of 2008. Now, however, with the entry of Oprah and rock bands in the Obama campaign this weekend, it begs the question; are we going to vote for a president, or the next American Idol?

The media does refer to him as a rock star, rather then a presidential hopeful. As a result, issues have taken a back seat to glitz and glimmer. The corn in Iowa will grow twenty feet tall with the amount of bull shit that has been spread around the state for all these months.

I have yet to see Obama take a stand on any real issue. From the many sound bites from him and his supporters; I gather that I should be taking guitar lessons. It seems the message is that once he is elected, we will all sit around large camp fires, singing Kumbya My Lord, roasting marshmallows, and```` all our problems will be solved.


Brent said...

Didn't we hear that the country would come together in a bipartisan way after the 2002 elections?

The only way that Kumbya My Lord will be sung by the winner of the Presidential election is if he has a gun pointed to his back with the person who has his finger on the trigger telling him he has to say it.

Pelmo said...

Are we ever going to wake up and stop falling for all these fancy Madison Avenue generated lines and gimmicks.