Monday, December 3, 2007


Sometime back, while browsing through the many sections of a book store, and as the title of this post would indicate; a book I once enjoyed came to mind. I began hoping for a big bonfire; fueled by many of the books around me . No, I am not advocating any form of censorship. All I am trying to do is save a few trees, and eliminate these mega book stores.

The first to go would be all those diet books, which raise a false hope in millions of people. The only thing they ever seem to lose by purchasing these books is their money. I compare the writers of these books to the old medicine peddlers, from years gone by; as they sold bottles of their magic elixir to an unsuspecting public.

Next would be all those cook books. This new trend for everyone with a cute gimmick is to write a cook book. We can't pronounce the names of most of the ingredients, much less have them around the kitchen. That well worn, red covered Betty Crocker book has everything you need to know; besides anything cooked from that book is guaranteed to be eaten.

The expose' or tell all books would follow. If you are such a sleaze, and bite the hand that once fed you; how can you be trusted in anything you have to say. Enough said on these books.

In the next episode we will continue to build this bonfire, as we bring the book store back to its normal size; a place that serious book enthusiasts can once more enjoy.

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