Monday, December 3, 2007


I don't know about anybody else, but I am getting mighty pissed at all the politicians from local to federal; like vultures, picking my bones clean. They have forgotten, that they are elected officials, and not royalty.

Hey elected official....

Those are "My" tax dollars, and not yours. These dollars were intended to provide you with an equitable salary and benefits. The rest was to provide services for us, the tax paying public.

In the past I didn't mind your skimming a few dollars off the top to enhance your life style, and that of a few friends. But now as time goes on, you have gotten greedy. No longer is it a dollar here, a dollar there; now its just back up the dump truck and load it up.

What got his dander up, you may wonder? Relax and I will tell you. These past few months the mayor and president of the county board have been crying poor mouth, and finding new ways to fleece us. Taxes upon taxes are charged in order to hire friends and family at exorbitant salaries, for do nothing jobs, with do nothing employees.

I am ready to march on city hall and all the other bastions, after reading an article in the local paper. The interim police superintendent will retire in January with a $130,000 a year pension, and, after retiring, will be handed a $100,000 plus a year job as a head of some Human Relations commission. He is not the first; just the latest of an ever growing list of jobs created to waste my tax dollars.

This double and triple dipping has got to stop! If you can't get by on that meager pension, GET A REAL JOB, and don't sponge off my hard earned dollars.

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