Saturday, August 11, 2007


How did we become a nation that is so short sighted? Instant gratification must come right now, and worry of the consequences is put off till much later.

Electronic gadgets must be purchased instantly upon their entry on stage. Heaven forbid you're not the first one on the block to own it. These toys aren't cheap and eventually must be paid for.

American auto makers, have no contingency plan for after the truck and SUV craze dries up, and there is no longer a market for them. As long as the last quarter was profitable, we will worry about the next one later. You would think after a hundred years in the business and having gone through such periods, they would have learned a lesson. Then they wonder why foreign auto makers are surpassing them!

It was such a fun idea for the invasion of Iraq. We got to "shock and awe" with all our bells and whistles as the skies lit up like the fourth of July. Did anyone think of what would happen next? We got to show them how tough we were at the time. Now we get to show them what a bunch of blundering idiots we are, with one misstep after another.

And now the mortgage fiasco. Let's throw money at everyone whether they can afford it or not then bundle up these loans and sell them off to someone else. Didn't we think someone was going to get bit in the ass eventually. Now it seems as a couple of the major players in the game are crying the blues at having to hold on to these money losing propositions. Now they too have to suffer with the others who were blinded by the short lived high rate of return.

Our elected officials are spending like there is no tomorrow. In some states they are selling tomorrow's money making assets to private corporations in order to pay for today. What will they sell in the future? Or will there ever even be a future we don't plan on saving it.

Trade agreements are made that sound good at the time and then come back to haunt us later. For example the case of China threatening us with bankruptcy if we should question or cease imports from them; whether they are safe or not.

And what will happen when all the credit card companies come crashing down from the weight of all that debt? How long can this pyramid scheme continue to function without collapsing?

Let's throw people out of work so that today's quarterly profits can be high and ship the jobs overseas. What happens when all of these out of work people can no longer afford to purchase these products?

La Sirena laments that many things that ail us has to do with air conditioning. She may be right. It seems the brains have been frozen and are not functioning properly.


JoeC said...

It's high time we get a leader who creates a vision for the country. Take JFK for instance...he was probably as corrupt a President as any, trying to assassinate Castro, banging Marilyn Monroe, probably elected in part due to some corrupt ballot box stuffing in Chicago. However, he had a vision of going to the moon and enacting other programs that gave hope to the youth of America.

What vision are the people in power giving us today? Go BACK to the moon? That was done almost 40 years SHOULDN'T still be our number one should be routine by now.

And what other vision are the people in power selling? Armageddon, and getting ready for a world dominated by Israel when Israel starts kicking butt and Jesus comes back to rule the world for a thousand years? That's a pretty grim vision.

We need a vision of hope to get people off their butts and really living and producing real stuff again. (Just my opinion.)

Pelmo said...

You are so right. All we hear from the candidates is the same crap about the war on terror, their faith in God and their stance on gays.

Nothing about bringing back the good paying jobs. Changing the trade imbalance.

Nor is there a message how to bring back affordable college educations, where a school is judged by academic standards instead of how well there football and basketball teams are doing.

The few endeavors that we do achieve in are given a few lines hidden away in the paper, and celebrities are given the front page and endless coverage if they sneeze.

Fancy sound bites repeated over and over again is what they are great at.

Get the people riled up, and get that 40% that never votes to the poles and then we might have a nation that works. Give them some hope that it is a government for and by the people; instead of the elite few.