Saturday, January 31, 2009


Boys and girls I know you won't believe me, but in the not too long ago past, there was intelligent life on earth. Go ahead and shake your heads in disbelief; but it is true. For my wife, who likes to contradict everything I say, with her over used statement of "site your source", I have plenty of fodder for this one.

Back in the early 70's when I was a snot nosed rookie policeman, I worked for some of the greatest watch commanders imaginable. There would be a moron or two scattered about, but the majority used their heads for something besides a hat rack.

By the time I had a few hash marks on my sleeve, a new trend emerged. The morons who were once the minority, seemed to be gaining ground as the old guard, with balls the size of watermelons, retired or died off.

Where's your proof you may ask? All you have to do is look at a previous post about a 14 year old police wanna be. If this incident occurred back in the 70's, the watch commander would have booted the lad in the ass, had us call his mother, and after a profanity laced tirade about what a terrible mother she was; would have sent the lad home with her.

The next day, roll call would again be filled with wild profanity, as we found out where the captain thought our intelligence level stood. By the end of the day the incident would have been forgotten. Case closed and filed away with the thousands of other stupid things that would occur on an almost daily basis. Something to laugh about at watch parties that occurred every three months, after a few cocktails.

Fast forward to the year 2009. The 14 year old trick or treater is arrested as a police impersonator, and given the status of an Al Capone. It became a major news story for a week in both Chicago papers as well as the news stations. Now even the Secret Service is being brought in to check this "BREACH OF SECURITY". The police superintendent feels that the department "DODGED A BULLET". Of course then we always have to have that "INTERNAL INVESTIGATION" to lay blame on someone and suspend them. And where would we be if one of the moron's on the city council didn't call for "HEARINGS" on this dastardly act.

With each passing day we see so many non-stories reach epic proportions; and you wonder why I question if there is any intelligent life left?

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