Thursday, February 12, 2009


Why is it that when the CEO's of the Big Three auto makers appeared before Congress, for the first time, it appeared as if Congress was acting the way they were elected to do? They belittled, humiliated and demanded every sort of concession from these three; for a few billions of dollars of cash infusion.

Yet when the Wall street bankers appeared before them. who have received hundreds of billions, and are to receive hundreds of billions more; they were let of the hook by being allowed to give vague and evasive answers. We didn't see the outrage over bonuses, excessive pay, or lavish parties.

Why is it, an industry that benefits Main Street America, by employing thousands,, at reasonable wages is taken to the wood shed by congress? On the other hand, Wall Street which has all ready squandered three hundred billion, is being treated with kid gloves?

Makes one wonder, who they really represent, and worry about.


La Sirena said...

Do you really wonder?

Pelmo said...

No I guess I know the truth.

JoeC said...

I think it's going to come down to this pretty soon...I think we're going to see some stores on the ropes advertising "no sales tax" shopping. I think as states go bankrupt and postpone and threaten not to pay citizens (like Kansas postponing tax returns...), I believe we're right on the verge of a massive "don't pay the government anything either" movement. It'll be interesting to see where it leads...I hate living through a shakeup, but a shakeup is what it's going to take to knock some of these greedy banker elite offering-nothing-to-their-country types off their self-appointed thrones.

Jane said...

You are right, Joe. Not just "the
greedy banker elite offering-nothing-to-their-country types", but also the "no allegiance to their country because they are a country unto themselves", multinationals.

Pelmo said...

oe and Jane you both nailed it right.