Friday, March 7, 2008


I would love to see the playground monitor, step forward, and tell the three candidates to leave the playground and stop playing, "I want to be president". They need to grow up, and quit acting like spoiled kids. As a matter of fact we should write a note to their parents to keep them home until they can act like grownups. Better yet, tell them all we will just find someone to replace them; someone who will act like they are running for president.

No more comedy shows, yelling sprees or crying jags; you're running for president, not comedian of the year.

Stop the hand clapping, slogans and cheers; this isn't a high school pep rally. It may work with the clueless, but not with me.

Stop this insane fund raising. It isn't who has the most marbles that will make the best president.

Stop this childish, he said/she said. I'm no fool, and I know that all "snippets" are well planned and thought out blurbs meant to get out into the media; no matter how much you deny it or apologize for it. You will do anything to have the media go into a feeding frenzy.

Until I can pay my bills or purchase something with it, stop with all this hope and inspiration. If I want that, I will go to church.

If you're going to pitch all this bullshit, have the courtesy of buying me some hip waders.

There are a thousand and one things, that are going wrong with this country. I don't want fancy oratory, but rather solutions to these problems.

There is more to fear on our streets then guys wearing towels wrapped around their heads. None of you have even come close to addressing these problems.

It's easy to talk about lost jobs, when you have some of the best paying jobs in the world, with benefits galore. Talk to me about health benefits, when you have the same coverage as I do; talk to me about senior citizens when you have the same pension and social security as I do; and not the coverage for life, that congress has.

I'm not voting for you to make history, no matter what color or gender you are, if your not going to put this country's interests before your own.

Five year olds act with more maturity, then our candidates.... and we wonder why we are the laughing stock of the world.


Unknown said...

Great poem! You are right in your statement, not voting for you because of your race. There are people who do that, but personally, I vote for the person I believe personifies my beliefs and positions. Great poem. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Pelmo said...

Thanks, I enjoy yours very much.

JoeC said...

You said it, especially about the pensions and the benefits galore. There's too much of a gap between Congress people and average Americans, and that has to change before things get better, in my opinion. And Congress people and Presidents have called our bluff so many times, it'll now take a revolution to make them change.

Pelmo said...

With the gap growing between the haves and have nots at such a rapid pace,I'm afraid that people will rise up, and it wont be pretty.

The governament is bailing out the financial institutions, so that these CEO's can keep raking in those million dollar salarys, while the average guy is loosing everything he has. Something is definetly wrong with this picture.