Thursday, October 2, 2008


On the 26th of February I wrote about having found a solution to our energy problems. At the time I wrote that everyone should convert their vehicles from using gas to methane.

At the time I didn't realize how correct I would be in my prediction. The amount of shit that has been dished out, by the boys and girls on Capitol Hill, in the past two weeks about the dire consequences that would occur if we didn't bail out Wall Street could power us into the next century.

Not only that, they would pay us to drive, to help rid the vast piles of it. Our factories would be powered by it cheaply, as well as farmers who would save by applying organic fertilizer instead of chemical.

On second thought, forget this magnificent plan of mine, as it has one big draw back. We would probably be invaded by a mid eastern coalition for our vast supply of methane as oil became worthless.


JoeC said...

Not only methane gas is in great supply. Hot air is approaching gale force. If we had invested in more wind turbines around the District of Columbia, the hot air blowing out of Washington would have those Gigawatt generators spinning ninety to nothing!

Pelmo said...

Between the two of us we have solved the energy problem.