Monday, September 29, 2008


I was going to start out by saying, quit acting like kids, and get this financial mess resolved. But being a parent and and now a grand parent, I feel like I am giving our elected representatives to much credit.

Trough out the years I have watched my kids and now my grand kids have an untold amount of spats among themselves and their friends. I was always amazed at how quickly things were always resolved without my intervention, and they were back playing together as if nothing had happened.

Today I watched as supposedly grown and well educated adults, that are supposed to represent us, showboat in front of TV cameras as they point fingers and try to asses the blame. Not me mommy, it's all Johnnies fault, is repeated by both sides, way to many times.

I got news for you. This glass of milk wasn't spilled yesterday, a month ago or even a year ago. This has been going on for years as you were to busy stuffing your campaign coffers as well as pockets to try and correct it.

Try something different and act like adults and do the job you were elected to do and fix this mess as well as many others. No more fancy speeches or slogans, just get the job done. On second thought, maybe I should send my grand kids to Washington. They would get this mess resolved quickly and could then go back to playing stuff your pockets. Never known, a few of those dollars might even trickle down to me.

And while we are at it, I and many of my friends had our days off cancelled whenever an emergency arose. It didn't matter wether it was a holiday or we had plans, the crises had to be handled first. So no days off. Handle this mess, and handle it right.

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