Sunday, April 20, 2008


All is well with the world on Sunday the 20th at 11:40 AM as I glance out my picture window here in Central Illinois and see the long awaited return of my first Humming Bird. It always amazes me, how such a small creature, can bring so much joy.

But then again those eight little munchkins I call my grand kids, always know how to melt this old grizzly guys heart.


Nelson said...

We definitely need to put down our gadgets sometimes and just stop and listen.

Pelmo said...

When people realize that a lot of joys in life are right in front of them and totally free, they will enjoy life so much more.

My HD wide screen is called a picture window. It's amazing the things I have seen trough it.

Jodi Crubaugh said...

Hummingbirds are amazing! My mom puts out a bunch of feeders every year. Sometimes she will get a whole flock. I would imagine grandkids are great too. We don't have any yet, but I look forward to spoiling at least 6 grandkids one day.

Pelmo said...

I love my kids dearly. I have three of my own and three by marriage. But the eight grandkids and one in the oven are something special.

We are so busy as we raise our kids that we miss out on a lot of special moments.

I think being a grandparent is a reward for having to go through all the trials and tribulations of being a parent.

As for the hummingbirds, I have three feeders and have about two dozen from July to the end of September.